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Thursday, February 2, 2012

More than just money....

There were some significant economic figures that were released today, but if that is why you are reading this blog I suggest you read elsewhere. I am not here to discuss dry topics, ie economic indicators, at least not right now, I’m writing to express my views on the economy/markets and will try to intertwine it with society and everyday life. Today is one of those days…….

Today, I read about the death of a two year old child. When she was just one, she was diagnosed with a bone marrow disease and subsequently underwent a bone marrow transplant on August 30 2011. She passed away today after fighting for her life for the past several months.

With all this backlash of banker/traders pay in the media, (thank you OBAMA) reading a story of a little girl losing her life, should make one look at themselves and determine if what they are doing is meaningful. Is pursuing a trading career or another career in finance (besides I banking, those guys really are crooks) or any other path, a noble and honest living? Does it bring value to society? Obama and his crew think not. I beg to differ.

Money isn’t everything, and it doesn’t buy happiness, (I don’t think I could have honestly said that several months, ago) don’t get me wrong it does buy a hell of a lot of fun. What money does buy is the cure to cancer, the cure to alzheimer’s, the cure to autism and other diseases that have a direct or indirect impact on everyone one of our lives.. Money can do an infinite amount of good, and yes it can also corrupt, cause people to cheat, lie and steal, but if money is put to good use it can be the best of things.

The FED (Federal Reserve, is America’s central banking system in charge of the monetary system in US and arguably the world) recently decided that they wish to pursue a 2% inflation target. That means if you are to invest your money, you need to have returns greater than 2% to not lose any value. If you hold on to cash and do not invest you lose 2% value every year very year. Your kid's $10k college fund will buy him far fewer beers when he ships off to Binghamton in the Fall.

I’m aggressively looking for some opportunities in the market place. I feel the market is overbought right now and is due for a correction at some point. All you ladies out there think of a correction as your favorite pair of shoes on sale. Why buy today at full price, when in the coming weeks it will drop by 5-10%?? Of course there is not guarantee there will be a “sale”, but the market has been steamrolling ahead.

I will touch upon a Greek default in the next few days when all these “European Summits” come to an end.

So put your money to good use….after all it will be worth less and less each year, that’s a GOLDen rule.

Please feel free to comment/oppose to anything I write.

1 comment:

  1. "Bulls and Bears Make Money, Pigs get slaughtered"

    Nice one Joey!!! :)
